Carl Zeiss Cell Observer Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope

Zeiss Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope

A Zeiss Cell Observer Spinning Disk Confocal microscope is fully integrated for live-imaging at high resolution. It allows for complex time-lapse imaging experiments to be programmed and executed in high throughput manner.

  • Two Photometrics Delta (64 fps, at 512x512) EM CCD cameras, for simultaneous acquisition of two channels
  • Environmental control for CO2 and hypoxia
  • A combination of high numerical aperture (i.e., 100x/1.46) and multi-immersion corrected objective lenses (i.e., 25x/0.8, 560 μ working distance)
  • Virtual slides using high resolution/high magnification objectives (i.e., 100x/1.46 and 150x/1.35) and a color CCD camera
  • Definitive focus
  • Deconvolution, physiological analyses and stitching applications